10 Students at the Centre for Children's Happiness, a centre for orphans and disadvantaged children in Phnom Penh, take to the streets to capture the essence of Cambodia.

Meet the photographers (above) then scroll down and explore the archives to see their progress each week....


The exhibition of the final work of the Smile Project will take place with an opening exhibition on 25 October 2008 at Gasolina (Street 57) in BKK, Phnom Penh. The exhibition will run for a month. We hope you visit to view the children's work.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Week 3 - Pagodas and art: Introduction

In today's lesson four of the students continued to learn about the way in which an automatic camera functions and how to think about simple rules of composition (sadly, Raruth was not well). We reviewed last week's best pictures and headed off to take some more...

The lesson ended with well deserved drinks in the FCC before the students returned to CCH and CDCC. Locations visited include:
  • The surrounds of the Wat South of the Independence Monument on Norodom Bvld - Including the Pagoda "factory"

  • Street 172- - To observe the sculptures being carved

  • Street 178 to the University of Fine Art

  • Wat Sarawan (featured in the movie the City of Ghosts)

  • Wat Phnom

1 comment:

martin said...

Astounding photos, teaching, people and photographer!